Diversified, global, sustainable investments in partnership with top class management teams.

These principles are at the heart of our investment strategy. We go beyond providing capital - we add industry knowledge, financial creativity and we look towards the future with our management teams. We work hard to create high quality companies that are completely aligned to customer and market requirements.

About Us

Our ESG Focus: Driving Enhanced Returns.

Safety & Security

Safety & Security

  • Promoting zero harm for workers and community
  • Prepared for critical incident response
  • Safety in the workspace and cyberspace
Environmental Impacts

Environmental Impacts

  • Minimizing the use of finite resources whilst supporting
    transition to low carbon energy
  • Managing ecological impacts
    (emissions, air quality, waste, biodiversity)
  • Increase resilience to physical climate risk
  • Supporting the transition to low carbon economy
Workplace and Community

Workplace and Community

  • Healthy, diverse, and inclusive workplaces
  • Decent and fair employment
  • Respect for communities and strong community relations
  • Building well run, progressive and diverse companies


  • Business ethics and integrity
  • Risk management transparency

Our Energy Transition is…

Combined Shape

Turning traditional fossil fuel use to new technologies.
Greatly enhancing the sustainability of all energy types.

Combined Shape

Creating a lower carbon world but ensuring economic growth. Need for power is fulfilled efficiently.

Combined Shape

Giving new opportunities for high returns, backing the best teams with proven technologies in new applications.

Combined Shape

A strong focus on ESG as an investment principal, enhances the potential returns.

We have more energy transition components across our funds than any other energy focussed Private Equity portfolio

More than 50% of revenues in Fund II stem from non-oil & gas operations.

Signing up for Sustainability.

During 2020 Bluewater became an official signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

It confirms our commitment to Responsible Investment as a strategy and practice, and to incorporate ESG factors into our investment decisions and active ownership. In doing so, we join over 3,000 other international signatories representing $103.4 trillion assets under management.

ESG in 2021 and beyond
Image of the global with our investment locations marked on it.

Bluewater portfolio company HQ

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A truly international investor in the Energy Transition.

  • 23 international companies
  • 30+ years investing in energy
Our investments